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  1. The subject of history is longer than the first aid.
  2. Like service techniques more than history.
  3. English I like more than Introduction.
  4. Introduction is easier than first aid.
  5. English is more difficult than computing.


  1. The class of tecnics and services in person is more interactive than the virtual one.
  2. The first aid class is more practical than the history class.
  3. The introduction class is more theoretical than the English class.
  4. English class is funnier than the computer class.
  5. The computer class is more complicated than the introduction class.


  1. English is much more entertaining than history of gastronomy.
  2. English is more difficult than informatics.
  3.  First aid is more practical than introduction to hospitality.
  4. Service and protocol is more fun than informatics.
  5. History of gastronomy is more theoretical than service and protocol.


  1. The introductory course in hospitality occurs earlier than history and gastronomy.
  2.  English classes start later than computer classes.
  3. The matter of service and protocol is more creative than the matter of history and gastronomy.
  4. Informatics is less complicated than occupational health.
  5. The subject of English is more interesting than service and protocol.


  1. The matter of protocol and service more didactic than history
  2. The topic of introduction to hospitality is more fun than computer science.
  3. First aid is more amazing than english
  4. First aid has more concepts than history
  5. Computer science is more creative than introduction to hospitality


  1. The English subject us mote difficult thon the computer science
  2. The first aid is more interactive then the introductory hospitality course.
  3. The subject of history is more theoretical than that of service and protocol.
  4. First aid is more complex thon the introduction
  5. Computer science is more entertaining than the subject of history and gastronomy.